The Secret to Joint Health

When our joints feel stiff and achy, it can be hard to motivate ourselves to get moving. But did you know that moving your joints through their ranges-of-motion on a regular basis actually naturally lubricates your joints and can help with mobility and pain?

Every joint in your body is lined by a layer of cells called synovium, which secretes what’s called, “synovial fluid.” This fluid both nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the joint. When you move your joints, synovial fluid is then released into the joint.

To put it simply, the more you move the more synovial fluid (aka lubrication) in released into your joints.

Not sure how to get started? Below is a YouTube video that breaks down a 5-minute mobility routine and focuses on the upper back, hips and ankles. Once you achieve more mobility in these three key-areas, you can experience a positive ripple-effect throughout the rest of your body. This video also includes a link for a free download with a step-by-step tutorial for the entire routine.

Disclaimer: Not all stretches or mobility movements are suitable for everybody. If you experience any pain or discomfort while performing this routine, stop immediately and consult your medical doctor before reattempting.

If you’re interested in working together to achieve less pain and more mobility, book your customized massage therapy session here.


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